1. Where's Bill (B. Wood) Bill Wood and Vicky Town, Storytellers Download 10:59
  2. The Little Goats (V. Town) Bill Wood and Vicky Town, Storytellers Download 12:41
  3. Nicholas Size (B. Wood) Bill Wood and Vicky Town, Storytellers Download 7:37
  4. The Sun, the Moon and the Stars (V. Town) Bill Wood and Vicky Town, Storytellers Download 11:20
  5. Bear Steals the Sun (B. Wood) Bill Wood and Vicky Town, Storytellers Download 14:59
  6. The Woodcutter and the Magic Pot (V. Town) Bill Wood and Vicky Town, Storytellers Download 9:16

Bill & Vick’s Picks Vol. 2


Bill Wood and Vicky Town are back! They once again invite you to join them “in the living room” as they share six more of their favorite stories. Going quickly from hysterical to heart-warming, the zany and delightful characters in these stories will sing and dance out of your speakers and invite you to snuggle up with them! Recommended for ages 4+ (c. 2007)

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